Kia Ora koutou ma,
Well what a busy time of year at Clendon Park Primary School!! I guess one of the best things about our class is their absolute enthusiasm for ALL of their learning activities... from learning about the Waharoa to making our own Poi Toa, Whai and Konui all the way to staying the night in the whare and having the BEST NIGHT EVER!!
Term 3 was Twilight Market time, Cross Country, Netball Season, Student teacher Sheree, Nga Kemu Maori our topic, Assessments and lots and lots of reading, writing and maths!!
Term 4 is full of Kapa Haka Nationals Roopu, Te Akau Tokatoka our topic, Athletics, Fiafia night, TWA teina Noho Marae, baking our rockyshore shapes, Prizegivings, Junior school items for Prizegiving, Mission Bay Beach Day out! Reports and Assessments!! as well as all that reading, writing and maths ano!
We are lucky enough to have Whaea Flo in our class now who helps enormously with our learning and fun in Ruma Tui, T4 2015.