Saturday, 4 April 2015

Term 2 looks really exciting already!!!

Our Kaupapa for Term 2 this year is Myths and Legends.

With all the money our classroom made at the Twilight Market the kids, whanau and I have been discussing what we might like to do with our earnings.

We had a whole class discussion and recorded the kids ideas of where we might go;
 get this... 

I like the one in the left upper corner the best... "go to the Moon!!"
Our kids are awesome!

So we tallied up our notes and coins and added it all up. We then looked at our budget and decided that we had to let go of some of the more expensive destinations like 'the Gold Coast', 'the moon' and 'Disneyland'.  We thought about our Kaupapa in Term 2 - Myths and Legends.

Our kids were very serious about it all and after much thinking and discussing they ended up choosing CRYSTAL MOUNTAIN in West Auckland.  

We did more research and found a Myth that we could study, called:

"Whaitere the Enchanted Stingray"

a beautiful story that tells of an enchanted Stingray, Whaitere.
Whaitere is inconsolable when her parents unexpectedly leave her, so she journeys all the way to the underworld in search of them.  Whaitere eventually finds her parents who show her the magical sights of their new home, the underworld.  They take her to Crystal Caves, and explain that each sparkling crystal she can see embedded in the cave walls represent all the songs and languages of every creature in the sea.

We are lucky to be able to begin our Myths and Legends topic with such a neat trip!
- To all the parents that helped and supported us at the Night Market, nga mihi nui, this was your idea and your hard work and we are immensely lucky to have such cool, dedicated whanau.

Special mentions;

Whaea Elizabeth - LeOne's Mum
Whaea Collett - Diezel's Mum
Whaea Teneal - Khian's Mum
Whaea Josie - Naomi's Mum
Whaea Shandeen - Anahera's Mum

Whaea Oronsay,
Matua Darryn 
Tayric's Koro

for their generous contributions

Matua Desmond for organising it all
Matua Dudley for fully supporting us and 
Mrs Dawson for allowing these cool things to happen

 and to all the other whanau that stepped up on the day offering help and support.

Our haerenga for Week 1 of Term 2,
will be to Crystal Mountain to find our own sparkling Crystals just like Whaitere.

Best Whanau EVER!


  1. Thanks to everyone who contributed to the Twilight Market. We were able to raise enough money for a trip to Crystal Mountain.The kids all had fun thanks to our parent helpers our driver Whaea Oronsay all kids had fun panning for their very own Crystals. Mauri Ora Na Whaea Elizabeth (LeOne mum)

  2. Whaea Ana's class is the best :)

  3. Next Twilight market is at the end of Term Two. Looking forward to seeing what you have to sell this time.
